So where do you come from and what are you looking for here?
Well, 89% of my visitors are from the United States, but in the last thirty days I've also had multiple readers from the UK, Canada, Australia, France, and Turkey.
Of the US visitors, 27% of them live in New Mexico (probably not surprising!). 13% are in California, 7% in Texas, 5% in New York, and 4% in Massachusetts. In the last 30 days, I've had viewers from 40 states--the only states not to find me in that period were Alaska, Nevada, Wyoming, South Dakota, Louisiana, Alabama, Illinois, West Virginia, Maine, and New Hampshire.
83% of you visited for the first time in the last 30 days, while the remaining 17% were repeat viewers. (Welcome back to you!)
Many of you have this site bookmarked, or find it through links, but those of you who used search keywords to find it were looking for information on various Santa Fe topics. The top 11 keywords used in the last 30 days included:
Santa Fe blog (31)
Santa Fe 400 anniversary (29)
Acoma Pueblo (18)
Whole Foods/Wild Oats in Santa Fe (15)
Living in Santa Fe (12)
Madrid Chile Festival (12--and this is for an event that doesn't exist except in the movie Wild Hogs!)
Allan Houser (11)
College of Santa Fe (11)
Aspen Vista Trail (11)
Kevin Costner/Swing Vote movie (10)
Governor Lew Wallace (9)
So thanks for visiting, keep reading, and let me know what other Santa Fe topics you'd like to see explored here!
Illustration Credits
The photograph above is of a January seasonal display on the table in my foyer (taken by my brother).