Although the temperature is only in the high 60s, the sun is warm and I'm hot in my long-sleeve shirt (sun protection). I have my full Farmers' Market regalia on--broad-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and a big aqua basket over my arm for purchases. I park my car and stop at Starbucks for a nonfat mocha (I know, I know, but it really is part of the experience), and then make my way down the aisle of white tents. The sights, sounds, and smells are intoxicating. Fresh bread, fresh cut mint, a 10-year-old girl playing the fiddle, and more bags of lettuce than you can count. I've never had such a strong compulsion to buy greens and organic beef! But I restrain myself--no big cooking plans this week and I have a garden to plant. So I limit myself to two phlox plants and a bouquet of fresh flowers (see photo!). I have a long chat with the lavender man about planting and care of lavender, and I promise to come back next Saturday and buy a couple of plants--too much to get in the ground this week already.....
I am all for the re-emergence of the farmers' market and the so=called "slow food movement." HOWEVER, Starbucks is absolutely antithetical to that entire concept. The only experience that Starbucks should really be a part of, is the experience of walking by an over-rated, big-box coffee chain that is blaring the latest Paul McCartney CD, pedaling Oprah's book lists, and selling $6 bran muffins while on route to the older, locally-owned and operated coffee shop (which is usually across the street from or, in between two Starbucks on the same block!).
Thanks for the comment! In defense of the Farmer's Market, they have not incorporated Starbucks into their format. The market was without a space this season since a permanent market is being built on the site they have occupied the past few years, and the DeVargas Mall (which happens to house a Starbucks) is allowing them to use the mall parking lot on Saturday mornings.....
I like Starbucks espresso drinks (though I prefer Dunkin' Donuts for straight coffee). That said, I typically buy my espresso drinks at a Hava Java kiosk near work (though I think that's a chain too). I also think there are more independent coffee shops in a college town, so you may be spoiled!!
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