This site, now a National Historic Landmark, was closed from 2000-2009 due to flooding and erosion resulting from the Cerro Grande fire, which caused major damage to the Los Alamos area. It has only recently reopened to the public, and it was exciting to finally have an opportunity to visit this beautiful site.
We had a terrific tour by a member of the Santa Clara Pueblo who guided us up pathways and ladders from the bottom to the top of the mesa.

Paths and stairways connected the two levels and allowed residents to get to the top of the mesa where additional dwellings were located. The mesa dwellings were in the form of a multi-story complex built around a central plaza, though only crumbling walls (like those shown to the left) remain.
An interesting feature of the site is one of the original Harvey Houses. These were a chain of restaurants/hotels that serviced train (and later auto) travelers to the Southwest. There were more than a dozen Harvey Houses in New Mexico, though this one at Puye was the only one built on an Indian reservation. The mother of a friend of mine recalls dining in the Harvey House in Santa Fe when they took the train from California to Maine in 1931.
It's been awhile since I've visited Puye, and instead I always go to Bandelier. Both places foster contemplation and offer a place for some spiritual reflection.
I have visited Bandelier and Tsankawi as well as Puye--but always in a group--not too much opportunity for reflection. . . . But I can appreciate that these are the kinds of places where it could happen!!
The ancestral home of the Santa Clara people may be travel and visit by guided tour to the ruin sites.
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