Saturday, August 01, 2009


Grapes, Santa Fe, New Mexico
This year for the first time I have grapes growing in my garden. My apple tree is also laden with beautiful fruit--hope the insects don't get them first! No peaches this year--a late frost killed my blossoms.

Somehow, with my limited knowledge of botany, it doesn't seem climatologically right that peaches, apples, and grapes would all coexist in my yard here in Santa Fe. (Take that Georgia, Washington, and Italy!)

1 comment:

Marilyn Rea Beyer said...

Grapes! Beautiful. However, "Grapes!" when shouted sounds like a perfectly polite substitute for "expletive deleted." I think I'll start using it, as in "Grapes! I locked my keys in the car," or, "These mosquitoes are biting the grapes out of me!"